Singing Guide: Steve Aoki & Louis Tomlinson

Singing Guide: Steve Aoki & Louis Tomlinson

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing like Steve Aoki & Louis Tomlinson

Steve Aoki and Louis Tomlinson's collaboration on the popular song "Just Hold On" has made them a beloved duo among music lovers. Their unique styles, when combined, produce soothing harmony, shaking the soul of the audience.

What makes Steve Aoki's voice so unique is his implementation of the contemporary vocal technique of "twang" and "belting." His implementation of twang, a nasal and sharp sound, allows him to sing loud without piercing the ears. Additionally, his use of belting, a powerful and clear sound, lets him harmonize well with the accompanying music. If you desire to sing like Steve Aoki, you may need to adjust your breathing and vowel placement and practice the following interactive exercises:

  • Twang: To enhance your twang implementation skills, this exercise comes in handy.
  • Belting: If you want to master belting, you should check out this article and also practice mixed voice belting: exercise video.
  • Breathing: You need to make sure that you get your breathing right. This exercise will help in ensuring that you get it right.

When it comes to Louis Tomlinson, his unique vocal technique is his use of mixed voice. This technique involves blending a vocalist's chest voice and head voice to create a unique and rich vocal texture. In Louis Tomlinson's case, he uses mixed voice to control the higher notes of his music. To learn any new singing style, however, you should ensure that you analyze your voice, understand breathing fundamentals, and learn voice registers and vocal breaks- check out this article for help. Additionally, find songs that highlight the elements of mixed voice technique, and listen to and learn from people who have succeeded in it. Finally, practice, practice, and practice some more.

As you master new skills, you can use the Singing Carrots platform to your advantage. The following three Singing Carrot resources are particularly helpful in achieving this goal:

  1. Vocal Pitch Monitor: See and monitor the notes you sing on a virtual piano here.
  2. Pitch Training: Interactively warm up, improve your pitch, and increase agility and range with this tool here.
  3. Find songs matching your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference- Click here to find your ideal type.

In conclusion, mastering Steve Aoki and Louis Tomlinson's unique vocal styles involves tenacity, hard work, and practice. As you refine your technique, do not forget to utilize Singing Carrot's excellent tools and educational resources to transform your vocal skills into a beautiful melody.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.